Technological innovations ans state support : the case of mobile television

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Olivier COSTE

Chairman, Alcatel-Lucent Mobile Broadcast, In charge of the 'Unlimited mobile television' programme, chosen by the Industrial Innovations Agency (Agence de l'innovation industrielle: AII)

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday February 20, 2008 - 8h45 - 10h45

During its brief existence, the Industrial Innovations Agency (AII) supported the 'Unlimited mobile TV' programme launched by Alcatel-Lucent, one of whose first challenges was to convince the European Commission of its legitimacy. In the context of ferocious technological competition and a market which is still very uncertain, this programme appears to be a success both for France and worldwide due to a very structured partnership between important companies and SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises), and a very strong sales and marketing approach.

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