The story behind the penguins on the ice floe

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Bonne Pioche production company, producer of the film The March of the Penguins

Seminar Creation | Tuesday October 9, 2007 - 8h45 - 10h45

The three creators of Bonne Pioche have a rule : nothing is taboo and there are no limits to any artistic genre, subject area or format. This is why, when they were looking for sponsors to finance Luc Jacquet's film The March of the Penguins, their first feature-length film as producers, they came up against people in the business who found their project hard to believe. How could this project possibly get off the ground if there was no casting, no references and no rushes ? A story about penguins fighting for the survival of their species incited a great deal of sympathy but did little to convince financial backers. The film crew did not wait around for the funding and headed out to the Antarctic where they stayed for a year, filming in extreme weather conditions. Miraculously, the images they brought back survived the polar cold. Despite being on the verge of bankruptcy and after many ups and downs, Bonne Pioche finally found international success when the film was released in 2005 which ensured its credibility in the world of cinema.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°71 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Cultiver ses racines pour s'ouvrir au monde.

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