The art of good design by Strate Collège Designers

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Jean-René TALOPP

Président, Strate Collège Designers

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Educational manager, Strate Collège Designers

Seminar Creation | Tuesday February 21, 2006 - 8h45 - 10h45

In a depressed economic climate in which design played little part in important French companies, the creation of the Strate Collège Designers in 1993 seemed dubious. Its aim was to create strong links between industry and designers in order to develop a culture in which design formed an important part. There were two problems : firstly establishing links with sceptical industrialists ; and secondly adapting the teaching of design in France to meet the needs of companies. In order to demonstrate the potential for design innovation, which is already appreciated and used in many countries, Strate Collège Designers was founded using an original teaching method. Today, this training is recognised internationally. It is based on a perfect knowledge of design and the world of business, with a selection policy disregarding the French educational system.

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