When important entrepreneurs want to create a breeding ground for companies

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Development director, APIM

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Didier GESP

President, Nord Entreprendre and Chairman, Managing director, COVITEX

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Véronique DELANNOY

Director, Nord Entreprendre

Hugues FRANC

Director, Paris Entreprendre

Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions | Wednesday May 5, 2004

Marked by a regional tradition of rigour and warmth, Nord Entreprendre, founded in 1986, lends its support to small and medium-sized entreprises which show obvious potential. Nord Entreprendre is an association which is recognised for the public utility and functions as a result of heads of companies working there on a voluntary basis. It helps in the start-up stages of small and medium-sized enterprises which can create at least five jobs in five years. This association chooses carefully from the projects which are submitted : the winners benefit from a loan on trust and are carefully observed during the first three years of their activity. Since they are given support by heads of companies and specialists, they can define their projects precisely, take stock of their situation regularly and be advised at each new stage in their growth. They can also make use of the Nord Entreprendre network. Since this method has allowed numerous jobs to be created, and has met with few failures, it is in the process of spreading throughout France via the Réseau Entreprendre network. Nord Entreprendre draws on three values in order to be effective : the importance of the individual at the centre of every project, an obligation-free service, and reciprocity.

The entire article was written by:

Paul-Roland VINCENT

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