Africa 2025 : hopes for economic take-off

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Alioune SALL

Coordinator of the Futurs Africains project and of the book Afrique 2025. Quels futurs possibles pour l'Afrique au sud du Sahara ? (Africa 2025. What potential prospects for south Saharan Africa ?)

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Jean-Michel DEBRAT

Deputy managing director, Agence française de développement (French National Development Agency)

Philippe d’ IRIBARNE

Director of research, CNRS, Author of Le Tiers Monde qui réussit : nouveaux modèles (The Third World which succeeds : new models)

Seminar Guest speakers | Monday March 29, 2004

Afrique 2025 (Africa 2025) is the prouct of a think-tank led by Futurs Africains, a United Nations project aimed at development. More than one thousand Africans from forty-six countries, men and women, English-speaking and French-speaking, from varied backgrounds , took part in this 'journey into the future' which resulted in the creation of four scenarios to span the next twenty years. What choice will Africans make between the prospect of maintaining the status quo, of chaos, of development along the lines of the Asian model, or of the admission of Africa into the alliance of nations, thanks to the creation of a genuine, world government ? Does the superiority of relational logic and of the informal economy of the masses constitute a restriction or an opportunity for development ? What does one have to do in order that numerous African entrepreneurs and retailers, who are often very dynamic, can put Africa on the road to development with or without Western aid ?

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