Seminar Entrepreneurs, towns and regions
Wednesday February 4, 2004
The area of La Plaine Saint-Denis had become the biggest industrial waste land in Europe by the beginning of the 1980s having been abandoned by companies which had previously established themselves on that site. The decision taken by the government to build the Stade de France there was a tremendous opportunity for the town of Saint-Denis and its surrounding region to revitalise itself. Getting it off the ground using state services, associations and the local population made a major contribution towards the success of this objective. Working in partnerships, despite institutional obstacles, was the key to success. It was in this context that the ANPE (National Employment agency) had the opportunity to change itself radically, progressing from operating in an administrative way, to becoming a body intricately involved in the future of the town and its inhabitants, working closely with local institutions and companies.
The entire article was written by:
Lucien CLAES
This session was published in issue n°50 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled
L'esprit de conquête.
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