Heirs and managers

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Arnaud LE FOLL

Engineering students, Ecole des Mines

Édouard de PIREY

Engineering students, Ecole des Mines

Michel BON

Senior Advisor, Dome Close Brothers

Emmanuel SOUPRE

Director, European Management, NSM - ABN AMRO

Seminar Guest speakers | Monday January 26, 2004

Is there an ideal model for the way to run a company ? The resounding setbacks of companies belonging to the élite of Western capitalism call into question the position of two companies which could aspire to this élitist group, namely the family-run company, and the company listed on the Stock Market and run by a professional manager. According to Arnaud Le Foll and Édouard de Pirey, this position can be explained by the fact that the company has to take risky decisions, which only a good balance between the pressures the company is under and genuine forces of opposition allows it to take efficiently. From that moment on, the dichotomy between family-run and professionally-run companies should give way to a new form of governance within which the alliance between managers and heirs seems to demonstrate a high level of efficiency.
Read the dissertation "L'heureuse alliance de l'héritier et du manager" in the *Gazette des sociétés et des techniques* , no. 23, September 11th, 2003. "http://www.annales.org/gazette/gazette-23-11-03.html":http://www.annales.org/gazette/gazette-23-11-03.

The entire article was written by:

Thomas PARIS

This session was published in issue n°49 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'audace et la sagesse.

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