Seminar Social life
Thursday December 11, 2003
In April 2002, Colonel Denuel took over command of a French detachment that was taking part in the antiterrorist campaign by sending combat aircraft to Afghanistan from Kirghizstan. This was a mission shared with the Americans and other allies who were also based in Manas. Colonel Denuel was second-in-command to the American general commanding the base and had the responsibility of overall command of all the allies present. Only the pilots were in a real combat situation ; everyone else secured the ground. Their logistics support was united and to keep the men vigilant. The daily routine of duty, the relative calm of the surrounding environment and the attractions of the neighbouring town tended to produce the opposite effect. Colonel Denuel explains how he faced up to this challenge, an experience he will remember for a long time.
The entire article was written by:
Lucien CLAES
This session was published in issue n°48 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled
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