The mediators' point of view

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Professeur émérite en sciences de l’éducation, Président de Moderniser sans exclure

Seminar Social life | Thursday November 20, 2003

Those to whom we never listen have a great deal to teach us, if only we were prepared to listen to them. This is the basis of the eminent researcher Bertrand Schwartz's association Moderniser sans exclure ('Modernising without excluding'). Irrespective of whether it is a question of social integration or of training or programmes giving jobs to young people, he explains the methodological evolution which allowed those concerned to find meaning in their daily work. This interpretation was quite different from preconceived ideas which merely served to engender anger, bitterness and inefficiency. The work undertaken, especially with mediators in the social services, has highlighted a new role for the citizen which is essential in the much discussed struggle against insecurity, and also in creating social ties. Unfortunately, politicians' budgetary choices are not in line with the work carried out in the field. The abolition of programmes which give jobs to young people has halted Bertrand Schwartz in his tracks in spite of his promise not to stop while it was going well.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°47 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Un monde en transition.

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