Globalisation : an identity crisis for business schools ?

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Directeur général du groupe HEC

Michel BERRY

Ancien directeur du Centre de recherche en gestion de l'École polytechnique

Seminar Business life | Friday December 6, 2002

Globalisation has brought with it even greater pressure to conform to American standards : teachers and institutions are judged by publications in American journals, MBA programmes are established, one assesses one's competitors in the rankings. Is this not a case of accepting pointless domination on an intellectual level ? Bernard Ramanantsoa shows how the rules of the game have also become globalised and points out that the French Grandes Ecoles have no choice but to accept this international competition with a degree of optimism. Ramanantsoa believes that by facing up to the best American universities, the French Grandes Ecoles will keep their identity and will become the vehicles for a European intellectual force.

The entire article was written by:

Corentin CURCHOD

This session was published in issue n°43 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'affrontement des identités.

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