Behind the scenes of the Renault-Nissan alliance

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Georges DOUIN

Directeur général adjoint plan-produit et opérations internationales, Membre du directoire Renault Nissan

Seminar Business life | Friday April 5, 2002

Why and in what way did Renault embark on an alliance with Nissan ? Georges Douin, who was closely involved in this venture, explains how the two companies tried hard to achieve a delicate balance. This did not result in a merger but in a real partnership, thereby allowing both Nissan to get back on its feet and Renault to develop further its activities abroad. This approach was made easier because the two companies have similar products and methods of know-how. However, will the alliance, which brings with it a policy of industrial convergence and economic efficiency, be able to preserve the identity of each individual company on a permanent basis?

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This session was published in issue n°38 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Audace et clairvoyance .

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