Financial information : what future for auditors ?

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Philippe VASSOR

Président de Deloitte & Touche

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Professor, Paris IX Dauphine University, Member of the Conseil national de la comptabilité (French board of Accountants)

Claude CAZES

President, Conseil supérieur de l'Ordre national des Experts-Comptables (High council of the national association of chartered accountants)

Seminar Guest speakers | Monday October 7, 2002

The Enron affair and others which followed have called into question the quality of financial information provided by companies and certified by auditors. Is the investigative ability of auditors sufficient to discover what is going on in accounts which are becoming increasingly complex ? Do they have the necessary independence to invalidate shady operations which they uncover ? During this discussion, the means for improving the quality of financial information are presented and assessed. Overall, even though these means tend to increase financial security, some solutions seem to make the situation worse than before, added to which auditors are not the only ones responsible in the current crisis of trust …

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