Royal Canin : market leader in the animal health sector

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PDG de Royal Canin

Seminar Business life | Friday November 9, 2001

One often sees large dogs following behind their masters with difficulty, their hindquarters dragging. We do not realise that this is most often due to unsuitable diets during growth. Dogs have nutritional needs which vary according to their age, their level of activity and also their breed. The same is true of cats. As the owners, who often worship their animals, are more and more concerned about their pets' health, they do not think twice about giving them the best products on the market. With 8 million dogs and 9 million cats in France, it is blatantly obvious that the potential of the international market for "health foods" is enormous. Henri Lagarde describes the way in which his company has become the European leader in this sector. He explains how the company has remained at the forefront of innovation and continues to gain a substantial share of the market in spite of fierce international competition.

The entire article was written by:

Lucien CLAES

This session was published in issue n°36 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Patrons.

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