Seminar Guest speakers
Thursday June 7, 2001
The Seattle demonstrations in 1999 as well as the Global Social Forum in Porto Alegre in 2001 are signs of the growing importance of opposition to current forms of globalisation. France is strongly represented within this movement. What are the principles of its action and the aims of the new militant movement ? What are the trade unionist, political and associative components of this movement ? What is there in common between the different groups SUD, AC! and ATTAC ? What is the driving force of this new ‘International’ on the more established organisations, such as the CGT (French Trade Union) ? What are the consequences of its actions for companies ? Should we translate this emergence as a new form of extremism with limited demands, or as a renewal of social dialogue ?
The entire article was written by:
This session was published in issue n°34 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled
La négociation sociale.
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