About Avanti, a small firm inventing and developing systematically

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Vincent CHAPEL

Président du Directoire d’Avanti SA

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday September 20, 2000

At first Vincent CHAPEL worked at Tefal where he studied the mechanisms of intensive innovating (refer to : Annales de l’ Ecole de Paris, volume V). Then he set up a company named Avanti dedicated to the co-development of innovations in joint-venture. The enterprise began creating a clever device to prove its inventing abilities, the nail holder, whose success was so significant that Avanti developed and distributed it on the market, then being induced to launch a comprehensive set of smart tools aimed to make the do-it-yourself easy for the amateurs. This outstanding success shows that the abstract model of intensive innovating worked out by the Scientific Management Centre of the Ecole des Mines ( CGS ) is fully operational. The discussion that followed dealt with 2 main points : for one part defining where to use this model; for the other part assessing when to use it in the lifetime of a start-up enterprise.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°29 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'âme et la précision.

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