What after the hurricanes of December 1999

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Directeur adjoint EDF GDF Services Morbihan

Seminar Social life | Thursday June 29, 2000

The Charente Maritime department, situated at the north of Bordeaux, France, was badly hit by the december 1999 hurricanes which broke down nearly all the electric power distribution. The EDF management aimed to restore the power as soon as possible using every available mean. Within the following 5 days, more than 80% of the customers affected by the failure were fed again. Considering the extent of the damage, this challenge has been met thanks to a massive assistance in manpower and equipment which came either from other foreign countries, or from the technical services of the state, or from other departments which were not affected by these hurricanes. In the main the public reaction to this disaster was fair, but it could not be the same if such a case would occur again. All the more reason for making appropriate arrangements to limit any future damage.

The entire article was written by:

Lucien CLAES

This session was published in issue n°28 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Demandez-moi l'impossible .

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