The INRIA policy of swarming

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Laurent KOTT

Délégué général au Transfert Technologique, INRIA

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday June 21, 2000

For a public research laboratory such as the INRIA, it is a challenge, nearly impossible to take up, to ensure the technology transfer towards the world of business. Since more than 15 years the INRIA tries harder to enhance the value of the research results not only building partnerships with enterprises, but also developing a very ambitious swarming policy. Despite the obstacles met and some chaotic beginnings, this policy of helping the researchers creating their enterprise appears to become profitable and this at a speeding-up motion. Today  it is possible to assess the positive results of this policy regarding the wealth yielded by and the new jobs due to these creations of companies. At the same time new questions are raising : how should these partnerships be more furthered, the missions of public research being more fully identified, and until which extent could that one be tied with the world of business.

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