The psychoanalyst’s view of the economic war

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Christophe DEJOURS

Psychoanalyst, professor, CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers) Laboratory Director – industrial psychology, author of Souffrance en France (Le Seuil, 1998)


Sociologue, professeur à l'ENSIA

Seminar Guest speakers | Monday January 31, 2000

For several years, Christophe Dejours has observed the development of suffering in the workplace and the increase in various mental pathologies : new forms of work organisation shatter the old balance between the employee’s contribution and the recognition of his effort ; between individual initiative and group co-operation ; and between personal commitment and self-fulfilment. But Michel Villette asks the question : does it really make sense to denounce and make “collaborators” (which we all are, more or less, according to Christophe Dejours) feel guilty, when none of us really has any other choice ? In addition, is the suffering which he describes, not merely a stage or transition, both in the individual career path of those who are entering the workplace, and in the evolution of our society ?

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°24 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'individu (moi, je…) .

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