From reporting to recounting in project management

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Thierry BOUDÈS

DIFER Conseil

Seminar Business life | Thursday January 13, 2000

At DIFER, a consultancy of about ten people, we are interested in the connection between theories of narratives or accounts, and business life from three angles : the practices of intervention, the development of these connections and the methodological tools used. We work on the creation of narratives of subjects concerned with the running of projects, its strategy, the exchange of knowledge and benchmarking, listening to clients’ needs, as well as personal accompaniment. We carry out assignments both for large companies (such as Eléctricité de France, France Télécom, Association Nationale Pour l’Emploi (equivalent of the Job Centre)) as well as for small and medium-sized enterprises. In this talk, I am going to concentrate on the formulation of narratives associated with the running of projects : for all those who wish to go into the subject in greater depth, I refer them to the work of Dominique Christian, the head of DIFER.

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This session was published in issue n°23 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Savoir honorer .

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