About the relations between School and Enterprise

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Recteur de l’Académie de Versailles


Sociologue, professeur à l’ENSIA

Seminar How to teach management (Gresup) | Tuesday January 11, 2000

At first, Christian FORESTIER relates the story of the conflicting relations between the State education and the enterprises. Then he reviews the present situation of the professional education in France. The main point of these reflections is the assessment of the part played by the training course in the enterprise, as far as the overall education of the student is concerned. The training courses cannot be spread all over, as the supply is much lower than the demand. So it is necessary to wonder about the method to be applied to the training course in the enterprise : when should it occur during the degree course ? how should the students be supervised ? how could the advantages of that experience be capitalised ? All these questions need to reconsider the task repartition between school and enterprise, and need also to reconsider the present training of the teachers.

The entire article was written by:

Sylvain LENFLE

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