How a mobility problem was solved

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Frédérique PALLEZ

Professor, École des mines, Paris, ; research worker, Centre de gestion scientifique, ; host, Civil Servants seminar

Gilbert SANTEL

Managing director, Civil service and personnel Administration

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Christian de LAVERNÉE

Managing director, Ministry for Fisheries and Food

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Dominique LACAMBRE

Managing director, Administration and Civil Service ; assistant manager, Management of human resources

Seminar Management of civil servants | Thursday April 8, 1999

The forum organised by the École de Paris, with support from the DGAFP (Direction Générale de l’Administration et de la Fonctin Publique), on the theme of mobility in the civil service launches a series of discussions concering different aspects of the management of human resources, in order to create the development of a common ideological body emerging from experiences in different ministries. Frédérique Pallez analyses the way in which some atypical managers managed to get around obstacles to mobility problems which turned out to be much more organisational and cultural than statutory. Other participants underlined the various issues at stake which are sometimes contradictory to mobility. Does such a variety really allow and justify a global approach ?

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