Action stations for youth employment

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Mathieu DUNANT

The association 'Agir pour l'Emploi des Jeunes' ('Action for youth employment')

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The association 'Agir pour l'Emploi des Jeunes' ('Action for youth employment')

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Madina TALL

The association 'Agir pour l'Emploi des Jeunes' ('Action for youth employment')

Seminar Social life | Thursday February 11, 1999

In 1995, the association 'Agir pour l'Emploi des Jeunes' organised a campaign to help young people find work in small and medium-sized companies and cottage industries. One thousand business students were trained to interview fifty thousand company directors in thirty French towns and to urge them to employ people for any jobs currently available without being influenced by additional considerations. However, such administrative and personal considerations should not necessarily be neglected. The association used a method to find a solution to these concerns, with the support of other towns in this scheme, the ANPE (national employment agency), and retired people. Five thousand jobs with 'high added value' were created. As a result of this scheme, the role of the press, the institutions and retired people was modified. This event has also helped to control the most suitable contractual method of employment. Another campaign will be launched in 1999 with the aim of creating ten thousand jobs.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°19 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Les grands problèmes des grands.

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