The CEPIJE : a refuge for young people where they are respected

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Olivier LE DUC

Director of the CEPIJE (CEntre Paroissial d'Initiatives Jeunes : Paris Centre for Youth Initiatives)

Seminar Social life | Thursday December 10, 1998

In 1995, the CEPIJE initiated an action policy for young outcasts in the Parisian neighbourhood where it is located. The policy is based on the premise that in the heart of each individual there is a force which impels him or her to construct something. The aim is to help these people to fulfil their projects, to show unfailing confidence in them, and arrange a collective group life around them which will allow them to support each other's initiatives. Against all odds, it has been put in place by its director Olivier Le Duc, a social activities specialist, and by Monique, an astonishing grandmother. After a stormy beginning, the CEPIJE today helps youngsters to regain control of their destiny. They launch themselves into projects which can create other projects. For example, a musical group project could result in the construction of a building suitable for this activity. In the course of these accomplishments, their lives regain order and they learn skills which can enrich society. But ultimately, are companies and society in general aware of this association ?

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This session was published in issue n°18 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Étiquettes .

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