Functions in the public sector and sociological misunderstanding

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Sociologist, Research director CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique : National Centre for Scientific Research)

Seminar Management of civil servants | Thursday November 19, 1998

Public sector work is carried out by a quarter of the French work force. However, the function of regulations regarding professional relations is little understood. How is it possible to be aware of the structure of the 'work markets'? What are the requirements necessary to analyse the strategies of the bodies which play an integral role in these regulations? Who are the 'employers'? According to Jean Saglio, a sociologist at the CNRS, it is imperative that the terms 'employer', 'body', and 'union' are more precisely defined within the public sector, before transferring private sector management systems to the public sector.

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This session was published in issue n°17 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Mélanges insolites .

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