Seminar Social life
Thursday June 25, 1998
In 1994, the Crédit Lyonnais closed Disco, a company owned by the Altus Finance group and made one thousand employees redundant. A determined trade union delegation managed to "mutualise" a third of the redundancy payments. The association of former employees of Disco located in Cholet used these funds to put back into work the three hundred and ten people affected by the closure in the region. The employment of full time consultants, efficient communication campaigns, and suitably adapted help was progressively slowed both by those in search of work as well as potential employers. Two years later, 80% of people have found jobs, many have taught themselves to cope with the precarious situation, but nevertheless, some people remain vulnerable. At the end of 1996, the association decided to disband and create "Le Relais de l'emploi" which is open to other employees who have been made redundant by other companies. The association nevertheless continues to help ex-Disco employees who are still in difficulty.
The entire article was written by:
Lucien CLAES
This session was published in issue n°16 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled
En quête de gyroscopes .
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