The spectacular revival of SGS-Thomson Casablanca

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Directeur de Corporate Qualité et Environnement (STMicroelectronics)

Seminar Business life | Friday June 5, 1998

In the early 1990s, SGS-Thomson Casablanca's future looked bleak. It was a factory with a low performance in a group whose future looked uncertain. Georges Auguste was appointed director. He successfully applied a TQM (Total Quality Management) programme. In 1995, the factory received the prize for the best assembly plant at SGS-Thomson. Was this success the result of the way in which Georges Auguste made use of the local culture to implement the programme, his personality as a charismatic leader, the intrinsic qualities of the "TQM philosophy", or the way in which it succeeded in combining a respect for moral values with an increase in turnover? Can one imagine, as Georges Auguste suggests, that the development of this management method in companies located in Islamic countries, might create a defence strategy against the rise of religious fundamentalism ?

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°14 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Entre ironie et naïveté .

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