The resilience of "Les Restos du coeur"

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Francis BOUR

President, Restaurants du Cœur - Insertion

Seminar Social life | Thursday May 28, 1998

Coluche (a charismatic French comedian) died less than one year after having set up "Les Restos du coeur". He mobilised the media, convinced the public, and passed on his festive sense of charity, his active generosity, and his respect for social misfits to his followers. His demise could not halt the impetus he had generated. A hundred or so associations all over France work together to put into practice faithfully the "Coluche spirit". Providing a meal is so full of meaning that the number of donors has multiplied and thousands of volunteers have helped out. Sixty million meals provided to six hundred thousand people by thirty-five thousand volunteers are just some of the figures from the recent campaign. However, "Les Restos du Coeur" aims to expand its actions with "Les Relais du Coeur" and social help for rehabilitation. These associations create conditions in which those in need can have a project, and can contribute as far as they can to its completion.


The entire article was written by:

Lucien CLAES

This session was published in issue n°14 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Entre ironie et naïveté .

This session was published in issue n°170 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Notre-Dame du management.

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