Help.... we need ideas! Creativity and innovation: how to tell the difference

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Consultant, Paradigm administrator

Seminar Working breakfasts | Wednesday May 6, 1998

How can a boss encourage his employees to be creative, and at the same time complain that there are too many ideas in his company? Luc de Brandebère casts light on this paradox by distinguishing between creativity and innovation. Creativity produces divergence, abundance and unlimited production, while innovation is dependent on convergence, selection and application in accordance with strict standards. Taking into account this "double-edged sword" and organising appropriate procedures constitutes the basis of idea management in companies. The challenge is to be a step ahead of one's competitors in a world where material resource management, which tends to become better and better, no longer makes a difference.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°13 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Savoir s'étonner .

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