The free spirit of an expert adventurer

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François BUS


Seminar Business life | Friday April 3, 1998

At a time when reduction in production costs has become essential for all companies which wish to remain competitive, François Bus suggests a method of "instantaneous cost reduction". This is the result of the experience he gained while working in different parts of the world for two electronics companies of differing sizes. This method implies that for each case, there is, somewhere in the world, a satisfactory method, already in existence, which can be adapted by company directors to save money. In the electronics business, he suggests that costs could always be halved, one in three could be cut by a fifth, and one in ten by a tenth. If he is indeed able to achieve such spectacular results, it is not only a result of his method, it is also because François Bus has developed, in his role as an adventurer, exceptional observation and communication skills.

The entire article was written by:

Christophe RAFFALLI

This session was published in issue n°13 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Savoir s'étonner .

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