Adding value to human resources by redeployment : the case of the Ministère de l'équipement

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Honorary personnel director for the Ministère de l'équipement (Ministry in charge of Equipment)

Seminar Management of civil servants | Thursday February 26, 1998

As part of the decentralisation process, Serge Vallemont directed a policy aimed at putting value back into human resources and promoting a more individualised management. With the backing of trade unions, he has put into place a procedure for helping professional redeployment using evaluation-based interviews, which are now compulsory for employees. However, the capacity of these measures to last relies on stimulating projects and requires the allocation of significant funds.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°11 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Les relations, fondements de la richesse .

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