An administration working according to results ?

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Former director, the Côte-d'Or’s Equipment office

Seminar Business life | Friday December 5, 1997

The law concerning decentralisation allows the State, the départements ,and the towns to act independently by separating the services of the departmental offices for Equipment (DDE : directions départementales de l'Équipement). However, this choice clashes with the preservation of the statusof the civil servant, and an increase in costs. After long and difficult negotiations between the council of the département and the DDE, the Côte-d'Or département finally decided to adopt an original solution : the structures would remain as they are, but the DDE would commit itself to results in terms of maintaining projects, timescales and costs. In exchange for this, the DDE would benefit from a bonus, used according to the wishes of staff representatives, temporarily employing people to reintegrate the workplace. A real approach focussing on quality was the basis for the details of the contract governing these new relations.

The entire article was written by:

Lucien CLAES

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