Electricity networks, the little-known key to the energy transition

Alfredo PARRES

Senior Vice Président, Head of Renewables at Hitachi Energy

Seminar Business life | Monday June 3, 2024 - 17h30 - 19h30

The energy transition means considerable challenges for the management of electricity networks. Instead of distributing electricity from a centralised system that is finely controlled according to changes in demand and supply, we will have to manage decentralised networks with more or less predictable supply availability, and develop demand management for end users (industry, transport, tertiary sector). We will also need to find more economical and flexible ways of transporting electricity, given the sometimes-vast distances between places of production and places of consumption, and also the complexity of integrating renewable production. These major but little covered issues are giving rise to innovations and modelling that Hitachi Energy has been experimenting with, and the importance of which the company will outline from the point of view of a solutions provider for the world's leading energy companies.

The energy and ecological transition

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°169 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled La transition en action.

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