Cofounder and CEO of Emissive/Excurio

Catherine SEYS

CEO, Excurio

Seminar Creation | Tuesday December 12, 2023 - 8h45 - 11h00

Cinema was born in 1895: after decades of discoveries and inventions, a first screening in Paris gave it its economic model and paved the way for the seventh art. The emergence of an artistic form of expression is often linked to that of a medium. While virtual reality headsets first appeared in the 1970s and generated a huge buzz in the early 2010s before being confined to a few cutting-edge applications, they may now be finding their way into the mainstream. Emissive, now known as Excurio, was created in 2005 to exploit these technologies. The French company proposed its first immersive expedition in 2021, “Eternal Notre-Dame”, inviting visitors to wander around Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris from the Middle Ages to the present day. Since then, two other productions have been launched (“Horizon of Khufu” and “Life Chronicles”), the technology is finalised, the operating model is being rolled out in France and internationally, and the language is being refined. A new medium is about to be born.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°170 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Notre-Dame du management.

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