Boosting a century-old industry with intrapreneurship: the Michelin Innovation Lab


Directeur du Michelin Innovation Lab Europe, Michelin

Seminar Digital and entrepreneurial transformations | Monday January 15, 2024 - 17h30 - 19h30

Of all the intrapreneurship programmes launched by French companies in recent years, the Michelin Innovation Lab (MIL) is one of the most successful, not only because of its ten years' experience and the hundreds of employees it has supported, but also because of its governance and results. While it has yet to produce any examples of intrapreneurial unicorns, several initiatives have succeeded in scaling up, with sales in the hundreds of millions of euros. The MIL, which has long been struggling to find its place, is now one of the pillars of the Group's new ambitions (to generate more than 30% of its sales outside the tyre sector by 2050). Having spent his entire career with Michelin, both in France and abroad, Marc Evangelista is a vital witness to this adventure, which he embodies, and which marks a certain revival of the entrepreneurial culture of a major international company that is a century-old.

The Phénix

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This session was published in issue n°167 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Le pragmatisme des rêves.

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