The stealthy rise of a renewable energy world champion


Directeur Asie Pacifique de l’Exploration & Production et des Renouvelables, TotalEnergies

Seminar Business life | Wednesday April 26, 2023 - 8h45 - 10h45

Julien Pouget led TotalEnergies’ diversification into renewable energies, before being appointed head of the Company’s Exploration & Production and Renewables in Asia. Having started out in 2017 with a team of 25 people, the TotalEnergies Renouvelables subsidiary now has more than 1,000 employees. This is an opportunity to take stock of progress and reveal some of the managerial secrets of this lightning growth in areas where there is no lack of technical, logistical and social challenges. The company has had to develop a working method for this new area of activity and acquire the skills needed to develop a project portfolio and execute it on a large scale. It also had to define a business model adapted to this activity, which does not offer the same profitability as an oil or gas project, but is essential to the Company’s decarbonisation. This session provided an opportunity for demanding yet calm discussions, at a time when the role of large companies in the energy transition is regularly the subject of debate.

The energy and ecological transition , The Phénix

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°165 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Renouveler les regards, libérer les potentiels.

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