Les 2 Vaches: the best of the start-up and the best of the large group?

Christophe AUDOUIN

Former Managing Director of Les Prés Rient Bio (Danone group)

Seminar Digital and entrepreneurial transformations | Monday June 20, 2022 - 17h30 - 19h30

How can a large multinational company as Danone gain a foothold in a market, in a sector and within communities that do not expect it, the world of organic farming? How can a start-up produce differently, with agility, due to a different organisation, and different products, while remaining ultra-connected to the Danone group and integrated into the communities of organic producers and consumers, who are so often suspicious of big groups? What has this start-up learned from the example of an American company, a specialist in organic products, which was bought by the Group?  The extraordinary intrapreneurial adventure of the Les 2 Vaches brand, which began more than fifteen years ago, is an ecological, human, organisational and economic success story, which Christophe Audouin presented to us before he left the company for a new project.

David and Goliath reconciled , The Phénix

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This session was published in issue n°158 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled La trajectoire et la perspective.

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