Promoting mobility and access to housing in order to increase attractiveness of a French area

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Former strategy director of Vinci Autoroutes and author of Transports: les oubliés de la République


Head of unit and coordinator of the Mayenne regional branch, local authority relations department in the Territories and Rurality Department, Région Pays de la Loire

Seminar Industrial adventures | Tuesday May 24, 2022 - 14h00 - 16h00

The establishment of a new industrial activity in an area and the way  its workforce is welcomed require answers to a certain number of questions: does the area have enough individual housing to accommodate the new workers? how can we reduce the housing costs of young people on work-study programmes who have to finance two dwelling places because their company is far from their home? do the workers have access to all the transportation they need? how do they manage to cover the last few kilometres to their place of work? The objective of reindustrialising the French country and the need to decarbonise mobility lead to the implementation of innovative solutions both in terms of transport and housing supply.

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This session was published in issue n°159 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Pour faire un monde.

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