The role of laughter in companies

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Author and actor in company theatre

Seminar Business life | Friday July 4, 1997

People laugh a lot in companies when all is not going well. Laughter fulfils various functions : power games and games of influence, readjustment to unbalanced interactions between people, compensation for things not working properly, and so on. Based on an in-depth field study, plays in company theatre show up organisational faults/weaknesses. Even though it may not be a real management tool, laughter may therefore appear to be at least an excellent communication tool.

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This session was published in issue n°119 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Le mécanique et le vivant.

This session was published in issue n°8 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled La mondialisation, en rire ou en pleurer ?.

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