Keeping it simple and efficient: the challenge of a bold growth


Group Culture and Leadership Transformation Officer at L’Oréal

Seminar Business life | Thursday October 21, 2021 - 9h30 - 12h00

The biggest companies always end up experiencing a decline in performance and a questioning of their fundamentals. The uninterrupted success of L’Oréal for over a century is all the more surprising, at least from the outside. In reality, crises have been anticipated and L’Oréal does not bother with original or avant-garde concepts: the Group reinterprets its DNA, characterised by a congenital aversion to any form of bureaucracy, according to the times and the leaders (only six in a hundred years). The latest transformation, initiated in 2015 and called Simplicity, articulates, in a permanent tension, a strongly individualistic historical culture with a share of collective interaction that leads to widely debated decisions. David Arnéra, a sociologist involved in the company for the past twenty years, shares a few keys to understand the enigma of L’Oréal management.

Inside L'Oréal

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°154 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Le tumulte et la constance.

This session was published in issue n°NS1 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Le management selon L'Oréal.

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