The zoo that wanted to free the animals

Edmond de LA PANOUSE

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Groupe Thoiry

Seminar Creation | Tuesday February 9, 2021 - 8h45 -11h00

Since its construction in the 16th century, the Thoiry castle has always been an observatory of nature and a witness to the evolution of our perceptions of living things. The arrival of animals, inspired by the South African ranches and the gardens of the Chinese emperors, was a new stage in this relationship. The opening of the zoo in 1968 aimed to save a historical heritage. It changed the economic model of the estate, gave the castle a social function and led the de La Panouse family to commit to the well-being of the fauna and flora. This first opening, marked by the avant-garde decision to free the animals on large territories and to restrict the freedom of visitors, was followed by the creation of other animal parks and reserves. The family has continued to innovate to improve the well-being of the animals, favouring the expression of the instinctive behaviour of the species, while at the same time raising the awareness of visitors.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°150 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Laborieuse créativité.

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