Saverglass : from bankrupt glass-maker to world number one in thirty years


Non-executive chairman, Saverglass

Seminar Industrial adventures | Tuesday December 8, 2020 - 17h30 - 19h30

In 1984, the small glass-making factory of Feuquières, built in 1897 in the Bresle Valley, the historically renowned birthplace of glass-making, narrowly escaped liquidation. Loïc Quentin de Gromard took charge of the company, adopting a risky but appropriate strategy based on the development of glass bottles for the ‘high-end’ wine and spirits markets. Thanks to a bold investment plan, the company became the leading global manufacturer of luxury bottles, and today employs 3,600 people in six factories in France, Belgium, the United Arab Emirates and Mexico. In recognition of an annual growth rate of 10% over a thirty-year period (extremely rare for a company in heavy industry), Loïc Quentin de Gromard was awarded the 2018 Entrepreneur’s Prize.

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This session was published in issue n°150 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Laborieuse créativité.

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