Oceanwings: a solution for decarbonising the shipping industry

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Naval architect, Co-founder, VPLP Design

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday November 20, 2019 - 8h45 - 10h45

Marc Van Peteghem is an authority on cruising and racing multihull design. His agency designed Oracle, the trimaran which won the America’s Cup in 2010 and was rigged with a furlable and automated wingsail. Adapting this system to motor boats saves energy consumption and reduces greenhouse-gas emissions in the shipping industry which accounts for 90% of world trade. On a more personal level, Marc Van Peteghem created the NGO Watever to help finance naval construction in Bangladesh, and in 2013 cofounded The Sustainable Design School which puts people at the centre of innovative solutions for sustainable development.

This session was published in issue n°143 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Un monde de flux.

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