AMP Saumon de France: ‘multi-diversification’ in order to reduce risks

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PDG, AMP Saumon de France

Seminar Industrial adventures | Thursday December 13, 2018 - 8h30 - 10h30

Despite the failure of his first aquaculture experience at the beginning of the 1990s, Pascal Goumain has always been very interested in this field, not only because his family owned ponds in the Sologne region of France, but also because he suspected that because of over-fishing, fish-farming would become essential to the food market. After a few years working as an employee, in 2013 he created a new company, AMP Saumon de France. He still has ambitions, but he has learnt his lesson, and this time he is making sure that there will be fewer risks by adopting a multi-species/multi-site/multi-technology strategy, including, for example, breeding high-quality salmon in the ocean and creating urban fish-farms in an aquaponics environment (where wastewater from fish-farms is used to grow fruit and vegetables). Finally, vertical integration allows him to recover the added value from the initial transformation and from part of the distribution.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°137 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Dépasser la finitude.

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