Institut de l'Engagement : inventing a new republican meritocracy

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Managing director, Institut de l'Engagement

Seminar Economy and meaning | Wednesday February 6, 2019 - 9h00 - 11h30

How can one escape from the sociological, cultural and geographical labels attached to some young people which automatically classify them as ‘untouchable’, and mean that prestigious universities and future employers ignore them, despite their potential? Thousands of young people, ranging from high-school drop-outs to graduates, inner-city and rural dwellers have asked themselves this question. The Civic Service has found an answer – by making them feel confident in their capacity to be useful to others and to carry out rewarding actions successfully. Because of its network of professionals and partnership institutions, the Institut de l’Engagement is able to provide people who have a project for their future with the help which they previously lacked in order to promote and put their skills and atypical career paths in the most positive light. When they have benefitted from this individual support, these young people will then be able to earn the recognition they deserve and reposition themselves on the career paths of their dreams.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°139 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Ce cher et fragile bon sens.

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