Vitamine T: the secrets of a large-scale integration

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President, Vitamine T

Seminar Economy and meaning | Wednesday January 9, 2019 - 9h00 - 11h30

Forty years ago, when a new wave of unemployment was beginning, André Dupon made the risky choice of attempting to motivate people again who had always thought that they were going to be excluded from work and society, and whom public policy had managed to keep in a precarious situation. There was never any question of giving money nor sympathising with them without it making economic sense. André Dupon is convinced that because of his company’s most ambitious economic performances, it will make the strongest social impact. Forty years later, his group, Vitamine T, has 18 subsidiaries, a turnover of 80 million Euros and has notably made technological innovations in recycling electronic waste. It is also a laboratory for social innovation, and is determined to do away with the idea of ‘preferring unemployment’ which appears to be a leitmotiv in France at a time when companies are nevertheless trying hard to fill jobs.

Conference organised with the Collège des Bernardins and RAMEAU.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°138 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Sur la ligne de crête.

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