Valeo: how a French automotive supplier organises its activities in China

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Édouard de PIREY

Vice president, Valeo electrical systems product group

Seminar Management of Innovation | Wednesday November 21, 2018 - 8h45 - 10h45

China is moving forward very fast. Twenty years ago, it was considered to be ‘the world’s factory’. Today it is seen as a major source of innovation especially in artificial intelligence, added to which it has a booming domestic market. Valeo is an automotive supplier, recognised throughout the world for its technologies, and has existed in China for more than twenty years. The challenge facing Valeo is to satisfy the increasing demands of local car manufacturers while at the same time taking into account China’s new global ambitions. More to the point, in order for Valeo China and its teams to achieve this successfully, it means that Valeo must be Chinese in China while still demonstrating that it is an international group, developing products meeting the highest international requirements, and putting its trust in and developing local talent.

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This session was published in issue n°138 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Sur la ligne de crête.

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