The unification of Gallic tribes

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Frédéric de AGOSTINI

Former director, Areva’s Tricastin nuclear site

Seminar Business life | Wednesday January 16, 2019 - 9h30 - 12h00

The huge site of Tricastin, an historical gem among France’s nuclear power plants, resembles an industrial fortress. For its new director, whose professional experience was not in this sector, it quickly proved to be a formidable Gallic village. Faced with ‘tribes’ of employees, confined to their cutting-edge technologies and happy to put their own interests first, his mission at the outset appeared to be difficult, if not impossible. His challenge was to transform this Gallic fortification into a single, cohesive structure, and make the indifferent - and even mutually hostile - employees become colleagues, capable of working together in the same, large company. It took Frédéric de Agostini seven years of hard work and tenacity to overcome numerous difficulties and to relieve the tensions which appeared almost every day.  In the end, a clear vision of the end goal, pragmatic methods, a talent in human relations and support from the Areva Group were the necessary factors which together brought about the unification of the Tricastin site.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°139 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Ce cher et fragile bon sens.

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