Architecture in a fluid world

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Architect, founder, PCA-Stream

Seminar Creation | Tuesday December 11, 2018 - 8h45 - 11h00

The Parisian building,, was opened in 2016, and Facebook and BlaBlaCar quickly established their offices there. It has become a reference for the new generation of office space. The resounding success of the PCA-STREAM agency can be traced back to an unusual story and approach. Design and construction are seen as an interdisciplinary topic of discussion about the city of tomorrow. The world is changing radically. It is becoming complex and fluid, and we are losing our bearings. Philippe Chiambaretta’s work reflects these ideas. At the age of 37, he refused to follow the ‘established order’ and instead practised a profession which satisfied his personal aspirations for creativity, the mobilisation of various forms of knowledge, questions about meaning, and so on. These aspirations are ever-present in the agency’s model which is very aware of the outside world and about changes in paradigm in the professional sphere in order to put forward propositions to accompany these transformations. 

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°137 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Dépasser la finitude.

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