Beyond the gaming industry: Ubisoft’s new digital challenge

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Senior Vice President, New Business Development, Technology and Strategic Alliances, Ubisoft

Seminar Digital and entrepreneurial transformations | Monday July 2, 2018 - 17h30 - 19h30

Ubisoft is a French jewel in the video industry crown, and has been recognised as a digital company for a long time by virtue of its technology, organisation and culture. It still takes on the latest innovations in order to spread its brands and fields of activity to other clients, and to extend its expertise well beyond video games, thereby demonstrating that change is not an aim but a means of inspiring development. Its expertise in virtual reality enables Ubisoft to invent extremely realistic and very accessible products, and to offer a new future to amusement arcades which had become ‘old hat’ with the advent of video games. Ubisoft has also launched into touring and live performances with its show ‘Just Dance Live’. It has created a unique virtual reality experience with driverless cars for Renault which can only be tested from inside the vehicle, thereby giving considerable scope in bringing together both the virtual and physical worlds, which is the new step forward in the digital world.

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This session was published in issue n°136 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled De routine en chaos.

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