Full employment in the tourism sector


Founder, Vivre Les Mureaux

Seminar Creation | Tuesday June 12, 2018 - 8h45 - 11h00

Many might laugh at the idea that the troubled French city of Les Mureaux could be a tourist destination because its negative image is so deep-rooted. This proposition, however, is serious. If people were able to put their popular misconceptions to one side, then suggestions could emerge and a different reality might appear. Jean-Marc Sémoulin is attempting to promote the positive side of Les Mureaux, and wants to take a stand against the inevitable decline of his city as he is convinced that he can change its image, just as he has been able to do so regarding people who have served long periods of time in prison. Once preconceived ideas are side-lined, employers can spend time with young people from a large range of backgrounds (an event which hitherto would have been improbable), or have meals with their mothers, offer maiden flights over elephants and giraffes, and even organise mountain trips with Tibetan Sherpas, and camel rides. Les Mureaux is a ‘global city’ which has extraordinary potential. The ability to change one’s perspective can generate a new dynamic, ushering in a future full of promise where the idea of providing full employment through tourism is no longer a laughing matter.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°134 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Basculements merveilleux.

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